Thursday, June 24, 2010

Zambia will take part in Macfrut 2010

The Ambassador and the Minister of the African country confirm their interest in taking part in the most important show of the Mediterranean area

(Cesena, 24th of June 2010)- Zambia will take part in Macfrut 2010, which will be held in Cesena (Italy) from the 6th to the 8th of October. This is confirmed by Domenico Scarpellini, President of Cesena Fair, who explains: "The participation of Zambia is the result of contacts that were started with some Agriculture Ministers of the Sub-Saharan area and of later meetings. A few days ago I was glad to hear from the Embassy of the African country in Italy that the Minister would like to take part in Macfrut together with a delegation of companies".

Zambia and the countries of the Sub-Saharan area are interested in the Cesena exhibition because they need to develop their agriculture and in particular the fruit and vegetable sector, which play a key-role in their growth and development projects. The possibility to find in one single event the whole fresh produce industry, from seeds to production, from processing to marketing, is the reason of the strong interest of the Zambian minister in the show.

Zambia already applied for participation in the bilateral meetings between Italian exhibitors and foreign companies, that were organized for Macfrut, showing a strong interest in the nursery sector and in the cold chain.

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