Monday, June 14, 2010

Exports of Chilean clementines to the U.S. doubled

The Chilean clementine season is having a good start in the U.S. According to the SimFRUIT´s market report for week 22, so far this season the Chilean exports of clementines have doubled the tons shipped compared to the same dates of the 2008/09 season.

Although the volumes of Chilean clementines in this market are still quite timid, the figures foresee a good scenario, which adds to the fact that there is a good demand and that the shortage of the fruit has led to slightly higher prices that predicted.

This week the first shipments of Chilean lemon to the U.S were made, about 2800 boxes (50 tons) are already recorded, compared to the 2700 boxes of Mexican lemons.

On the other hand, it is expected that between late June and the first weeks of July significant volumes of Chilean Navel oranges will enter the U.S, along with the South African and Australian oranges.

However, the supply of Californian oranges in the market remains stable but the supply should soon begin to decrease with importers looking to complete their stock in the next two to three weeks with external fruit.

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