Monday, June 14, 2010

Spain: FEPEX says stone fruit production lower than expected

The Stone Fruit Committee of FEPEX, constituted by producers of Andalucia, Valencia, Murcia, Extremadura, Aragon, La Rioja and Cataluña, is meeting today in Madrid to analyze the evolution of the campaign, in which it is being noted that there is a lower production than was originally planned.

The Committee will consider the development of the campaign in the early areas such as Andalucía, where the commercialization started in May and is about to be completed. The committee will also assess the other producing areas, which were confirmed to have a lower production than the expected.

The Stone Fruit Committee of FEPEX is chaired by Antonio Chavero.

The products represented on FEPEX's Stone Fruit Committee are: apricot, cherry, plum, peach, and nectarine. The committee is composed of seven associations that are in the main producing areas: ASOFRUIT (Cataluña), APOEXPA (Murcia), ASOCIAFRUIT (Andalucia), AFRUEX (Extremadura), APEPH (Aragon), ARIFRUT (La Rioja) and FEXPHAL (Comunidad Valenciana)

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