Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spain: Two Catalan organizations unite to create the largest state producer of fruit

The Catalan organizations, producers of fruit and vegetables, Catalonia Qualitat and Asofruit announced today their fusion into one organization that will become the largest state-wise, and will bring together some 130 companies with a combined production of over one million tons.

The president of Asofruit, Josep Panades, will become president of the new merged organization, which for now is "not baptized," as he explained.

"The union of the two associations has been a very long job, due to the fact that it has lasted about seven years. The entity has no name yet but we are very happy.

After what happened last year, when they had no product, with an increasing demand and falling prices, they were pricked by not having the capacity to react. "We must be strong and unite ourselves so this will not be repeated" he pointed out.

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