Sunday, June 6, 2010

US: Warm weather means early raspberry crops

This spring season is one of the strangest an area berry farmer has ever seen.

Dennis Lewer, owner of Lakeview Berry Farm in Mosinee, is marveling at his crop.

Lakeview specializes in a variety of raspberries and grow other fruits like strawberries, currants and blueberries.

The raspberries will be ready sooner than ever before because of the warm spring.

"The raspberries started a month early and they've been blossoming for a month already, we've just never had a year like this," Lewer said.

He says it could be a record year for sales, or detrimiental... and it's still too early to tell.

Normally raspberries aren't ready until July. His will be ready to harvest mid-June.

But if people don't realize the fruit is ready, he fears they won't be sold.

More rain is still necessary to keep his crops ahead of schedule.

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