Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chile anticipates avocado shortfall

The Chilean Hass avocado industry is expecting an off production year during which exports will fall by at least a 30 per cent in comparison to 2009/10.

The volume decrease is forecast have a positive effect on the trade, however, by helping to relieve pressure on some markets, according to data from Decofrut and reported by SimFRUIT.

"Last season, Chile produced a record crop of Hass avocados, resulting in a tripling in exports to Europe from 16,000 tonnes to 50,000 tonnes," explained Decofrut chairman Manuel José Alcaíno.

In 2010/11, however, Decofrut suggests more volume may end up on the US market due to a weaker euro and "slightly more limited" demand in Europe compared with last year.

Even so, the Chilean analyst expects a "more difficult" US market this season since Mexican avocado exporters will probably export more fruit to the US and less to Europe (as a result of the weak euro).

According to Decofrut, the US market will also have a greater abundance of California avocados.

Last season, Chile exported almost 6,000 tonnes of avocados to Argentina, while the local market was also very well supplied, absorbing 74,000 tonnes of the fruit.

"Chile is developing quite an interesting promotional campaign in Argentina," said Mr Alcaíno. "It's hoped that this increase in activity can be maintained or even expanded this season."

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