Thursday, June 3, 2010

Organics boom in France

Organic production in France experienced an enormous growth surge in 2009, according to figures released by French organic agency Agence Bio.

In 2009, 3,769 new farms were converted to organic production, an average of over 300 farms a month.

In late 2009, France boasted some 16,446 organic farms, an increase of 23.7 per cent over the previous year, and 677,513 ha of organic land, 16 per cent more than in 2008.

As for consumption, organic sales reached an estimated €3bn in 2009, almost double the figure from 2005 and an increase of €400m compared with 2008.

Organic consumption is also on the rise in canteens, where purchases more than doubled from €44m in 2008 to €92m in 2009.

Early figures for 2010 confirm that these trends are continuing, according to Agence Bio.

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