Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yellow Moon: Modern innovation with traditional taste

Yellow Moon is Nunhems' new category of premium Galia melons, which provides retailers and consumers with innovative product features and great traditional taste at the same time.

"We think Yellow Moon has it all," asserts Daniel Kretzschmar, Nunhems Produce Chain Manager for Europe, Middle East and Africa. "It's a great product that has been developed through a strict quality control protocol and rigorous producer selection, as well as meticulous sampling processes and blind testing to guarantee retailers consistent quality and service in every delivery. It will delight customers who will recognize its attractive yellow skin and appreciate its firm and juicy flesh and really intense taste. Once they've tasted Yellow Moon, they'll keep coming back for more!"

Seeding the best producers
The Yellow Moon quality program begins with Nunhems' undisputed expertise in designing and deploying high quality seed products that correspond to retailers' and consumers' most demanding expectations. The Yellow Moon variety has been developed over many years to restore traditional Galia melon taste and the product has been improved to make it more attractive and more practical to deliver, store and sell.

This exclusive breed of melon seed is sold only to select producers who respect the quality protocol, supported by dedicated Nunhems teams that visit the growers to monitor strict growing process compliance. Each lot is blind tested to make sure that every delivery is in line with quality criteria and products are subjected to computerized traceability.

Premium quality service for retailers
But the story doesn't end when the melon leaves the fields. Nunhems monitors quality and reliability throughout the supply chain, from the seed to the shelf. First, Nunhems makes sure its melons are of a homogenous size (five to six per box) and that they have a uniform exterior appearance. Yellow Moon quality is supported by an association of Southern Spain's 14 top traders who coordinate their efforts to guarantee uninterrupted product supply and reliable logistics and service.

A fabulous taste experience for consumers
Of course, all these efforts would be in vain if the final product did not "Wow" consumers. They will be attracted by Yellow Moon's attractive yellow skin, its unmistakable aroma (just enough to smell good without invading their car or kitchen) and its beautiful round shape and practical protective netting. Buying Yellow Moon is a gratifying experience that really makes consumers feel like connoisseurs.

Once it's on the cutting board, they will appreciate its firm flesh, its pleasant texture and the ease of preparation (its seeds come out gently without damaging the fruit). And they'll be truly satisfied when they discover its traditional full-bodied taste and juiciness. A true delight for the palate!

"We're very proud of our product and very confident of its potential," concludes Daniel Kretzschmar, "Yellow Moon will be a major blockbuster in fresh fruit stalls throughout Europe. It really offers the best of both worlds: modern product and supply chain excellence for retailers and traditional great taste and texture for consumers."

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