Wednesday, June 23, 2010

US: Low forecast for cherry production

A 75% drop is expected in the Idaho cherry crop this season compared to last year's record harvest, this is according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. This is the result of freezing conditions during the pre-bloom which damaged the crop. The expected volume is 1,500 tons, 21% less than in 2008.

The overall sweet cherry crop in the US is expected to be 315,400 tons, down 27% on last year. The crop in Washington is lacking due to cool wet weather in Spring. The forecast is 160,000 tons is down 35 percent from 2009.

Production in California is forecast at 90,000 tons, 15 percent higher than the 2009 production. Spring weather generated occasional rain and cool temperatures during the critical development of the crop. A strong bloom occurred in March.

Production in Oregon is expected to be 45,000 tons, down 33 percent from 2009. Cold, wet weather conditions hindered bloom, pollination, and growth.

In Michigan the forecast is 17,000 tons, 41 percent below the 2009 production and in New York 1,100 tons are expected after the majority of sweet cherries enjoyed a big bloom with only a few growers reporting frost damage. Meanwhile Utah is expected to produce 800 tons, a significant decrease from 2009, due to a late frost, cold wet Spring combined with tree fatigue from last year's record crop making this year's production half of last year's level.

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