Monday, July 26, 2010

US (OR): Extreme heat could damage pears, growers say

High temperatures are leaving Rogue Valley pear growers concerned.

Farmers say that if temperatures exceed 105 degrees the pears can get sunburned, damaging the fruit.

They say there is also a pest known as the spider mite which thrives in hot temperatures. It defoliates pear trees and affects the crop.

Some farmers are planning to spray trees with a substance that works as a sunblock to protect the fruit. They also plan to use extra water to keep the trees hydrated.

"When it gets very hot the tree closes its little breathing holes on the leaves and it does suppress growth," Oregon State University Professor David Sugar said.

Pear farmers say there is one positive to the high heat. It can kill off fireblight, a disease which plagues pear trees.

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