Sunday, July 11, 2010

IFPS welcomes new member Freshfel Europe

The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) is delighted to advise that Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association, has become an IFPS member with immediate effect.

IFPS is composed of produce associations from around the globe. The group provides an international forum to address issues which require international harmonization or standardization for the produce sectors and creates the first incorporated body constituted of national organizations providing direct representation of their respective countries' constituents.

Freshfel Europe, the European Fresh Produce Association, is the forum for the fresh fruit and vegetables supply chain in Europe and beyond. Its members and associated members are associations and companies that have an interest in the European fresh fruit and vegetable sector, including production, trade, logistics and retailing.

The following national produce associations are IFPS members:
· Asociacion de Exportadores de Chile
· Canadian Horticultural Council
· Canadian Produce Marketing Association
· Freshfel Europe
· Fresh Produce Consortium (UK)
· Frug I Com (Netherlands)
· Fruit South Africa
· Horticulture Australia Ltd
· Norges Frukt-og Gronnsaksgrossisters Forbund (Norway)
· Produce Marketing Association (USA)
· United Fresh (New Zealand)
· United Fresh Produce Association (USA)

Election of Additional Directors
The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) is pleased to advise that the following member representatives have been elected to the IFPS Board, with immediate effect:

Anne Fowlie, Canadian Horticultural Council
Harrij Schmeitz, Frug I Com (Netherlands)
Tom Stenzel, United Fresh Produce Association (USA)
Ed Treacy, Produce Marketing Association (USA)

This brings the number of Directors on the IFPS Board to ten.

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