Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Del Monte Fruitini hits Tesco stores

Group says that fruit bag range will be targeting school lunchboxes in the run up to the UK's new 2010/11 school year

Del Monte has announced that it is launching a new range of fruit products through an exclusive promotional campaign with UK retailer Tesco, in a bid to engage a younger audience and target school lunchboxes.

The new range of Del Monte Fruitini bags, which the group said would "reinvigorate" the fresh fruit category, are available in four varieties; Crinkly Apple Slices, Scrummy Grapes, Juicy Pineapple 'Slithers' and Luscious Melon Bites.

To back the launch of the range, Del Monte has secured an on-pack promotion with London's largest family restaurant, the Rainforest Café, offering 20 children a selection of prizes including the chance to attend a VIP Del Monte Fruitini event in October.

Del Monte noted that the Fruitini range presented a "significant opportunity" to Tesco as parents actively seek healthy, convenient snacks for children to take to school, amid growing awareness of health and obesity.

"The all encompassing fruit range provides customers, whatever their age, with an even greater choice for healthy refreshment throughout the day," said Tesco's fresh produce buyer Lance Canavan. "By ensuring that the new range is stocked alongside the best-sellers in the chillers, we hope to increase its sales potential."

The retailer will back the range in store through an initiative during August and September, which will see discount coupons on offer at point-of-sale and incentives for parents to purchase the packs during the 'back to school' period.

"Mums are looking for quality, convenient and nutritious products from a brand they can trust and as Britain's number one fruit brand Del Monte is well positioned to deliver this," added James Harvey, managing director at Del Monte UK. "The Del Monte Fruitini range offers kids a convenient way of eating fruit and what's more, they're absolutely delicious!."

The Fruitini range is stocked exclusively in Tesco stores across the UK, priced at £0.43 (€0.53) per pack.

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