Monday, July 19, 2010

Belgium: "Considerably less potatoes due to drought"

Belgium potato growers have to contend with the results of the drought. "The yields per hectare are considerably less and we are short of potatoes for the production of chips," Jurgen Duthoo of Bart's Potato Company from Vleteren, Belgium says. "Normally we harvest 45 tons per hectare of the early varieties, but at the moment we only harvest 35 tons."

"Prices are at twice the level of last year and we do not expect this to change immediately because of the generally low yields. The price of Premières is now about 20 cents per kg ex grower" Jurgen continues. "Size 65+ will be very scarce during the coming months."

Also the old potatoes have been experiencing an increase in price during the last few weeks.
"The old potatoes (Bintjes) fetched 7 to 8 cents for a while, but these prices also increased to a level of 20 cents for those lots capable of being used for the production of chips" the potato seller continues. "Nevertheless the demand for potatoes is relatively quiet, but that is probably because of the holidays and the warm weather last week."

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