Thursday, July 1, 2010

Less peaches nectarines in Italy and Europe

Hail storms and bad weather have drastically reduced the European peaches and nectarines' supply: estimates of Italy's CSO show the lowest production since 2004, below 3.5 million tonnes.

The decline in Europe is around 8% compared to 2009, in detail: Greece -15%, Italy and France -7%, Spain -5%.

Italy, particularly Emilia Romagna, but also Greece were hit this year by a mostly cold weather in winter and heavy hail storms in spring, conditions that have damaged the peach and nectarine crops in these areas even up to 50% of the total.
The drop in supply will therefore affect both the domestic and foreign market.

Europe produces on average 3.9 million tons of peaches and nectarines (Source Europech - four years 2004-2008), while this season the production has fallen below 3.5 million tonnes - according to estimates by CSO, Italy's Fruit and Vegetable Service Centre (

Considering this situation, it is very important that the demand keeps high to avoid falling into recession. The European market can safely absorb the volumes available for the current marketing year, however it necessary that retail chains prove to be conscientious by avoiding too aggressive campaigns. Sales below cost in particular would heavily damage the production system. An alliance between farmers and consumers is needed to save European orchards from extinction, CSO claims.

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