Monday, July 26, 2010

Finland: Best potato harvest in the North

This year's best potato harvest is expected to be seen in northern parts of the country. Summer weather in the north has provided suitable temperatures and rain, while a dry summer on the south has slowed growth.

Jari Matinolli, a farmer in Tyrnävä, just south of Oulu, is happy with what he's seeing in his fields.

"It looks really good on our farm. The quality of the coming harvest is excellent and the volume is quite good. Growing conditions this summer have been optimal in our area," says Matinolli.

Production Chief Jukka Pekka Palohuhta of the Finnish Seed Potato Centre believes that overall the best and biggest harvests will be seen in the north this year.

"Southern Finland has had a rather long dry spell that has weakened the prospects of a good harvest. Further north it's rained well, so prospects are good."

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