Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Europe keen on Dominican bananas

Exports to Europe increase by 25 per cent year-on-year during the first half of 2010

Banana producers in the Dominican Republic have revealed that exports of the fruit to the European market increased by 25 per cent through the first half of the year, at a value of over US$58m (€45m).

The country now expects to export some US$160m (€124m)-worth of bananas to Europe by the end of 2010, increasing yearly volumes from 280,000 tonnes in 2009 to over 300,000 tonnes, Dominican Today reported.

Northwest Valverde province banana grower Luis Bonilla confirmed that exports were expected to top the US$160m mark by the end of the campaign, noting that producers were exporting over 350 boxes to Europe each week.

"The banana sector's perspective is very good, very encouraging," he told the publication. "We're going through one of the best moments regarding banana exports and production."

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