Thursday, July 22, 2010

Citrus from Southern Africa in Europe

As always a large volume of oranges from, amongst others, South Africa and Zimbabwe will arrive in Europe this year.

Because of the difficult climate for entrepreneurs in Mozambique and Zimbabwe compared to South Africa only small volumes come from these countries. Nevertheless the import program of orange varieties: Valencia, Delta, Midknight and Turkey from Zimbabwe may be called spectacular. De Groot International B.V., Holland receive in comparison, reasonable volumes from that country.

Zimbabwean citrus is very strong and additionally of good quality. This region is always earlier than the first South African areas. Normally speaking the juice content of Valencia oranges is about 35%, but the juice content of the Zimbabwean fruit of the Don Mario label is in excess of 40%. In addition the brix content of South African oranges is normally 9 or 10 Brix, whilst for Zimbabwe oranges this is between 12 and 13 brix. These oranges have therefore a higher juice content and are sweeter.

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