Monday, July 26, 2010

Potato harvest in Iceland never been better

The potato harvest in Iceland has exceeded expectations; farmers say it has never been better. Potatoes were harvested unusually early this year; the first potatoes of the season hit the stores on July 1, one week earlier than usual.

However, there is still much of the season left and farmers don't want to celebrate too early as the harvest last summer was damaged due to frosty nights in late July, Morgunbladid reports.

Vignir Jónsson, a carrot and potato farmer at Audsholt in Flúdir, south Iceland, was the first to harvest his potatoes this summer. "I was very proud to the first," he laughed.

"This is going remarkably well; the weather is incredible. It's like it was ordered," Jónsson added. The days have been warm but the nights moist and even rainy. "The season has never been better. We can't complain about anything."

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