Friday, July 23, 2010

Turkish greenhouse sector set to expand

Greenhouses are densely situated in the West-Mediterranean region in Turkey. Antalya, as the most populated city of the region is the main location for greenhouses (50 %). Also Mersin (20 %) and Fethiye-Mugla (10 %) regions are other important locations for greenhouses. Some other locations may be counted; which have geothermal water supplies; these special locations are mostly for soilless greenhouses, (Denizli, Afyonkarahisar, Dikili, Urfa).

The main products grown under protection in Turkey are tomato (65%), pepper, eggplant, cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon and melon.

35.000 hectares (and growing...) of land is used by greenhouses at the moment. This is continually growing; some 500 hectares are soil less.

Ms. Buket Tekinsoy, the Secretary General of the Turkish Greenhouse Manufacturers & Growers Association (SERA-BIR) explains that the main types of greenhouses in Turkey 20 % are glass-houses, rest are plastic. There are various models of greenhouse in operation, most of them are low-tunnel plastic structures.

"Drip-irrigation is the most popular system but properly set modern systems are actually very rare." continues Ms Buket. "Most of the growers try to set their own system themselves; without buying any professional know-how."

Recently the Ministry of Agriculture banned most of the chemicals which were used for pest and disease control. Integrated Pest Management Systems (biologicals, feromons, traps and other alternatives...) are now growing popular.
08.What % is organic?
According to Ms Bukey there are no accurate statistics about organic cultivation, but she reckons it is less than 1 %.

The acreage has increased in the last five years and is still growing fast, especially the acreage of soil less facilities is growing fast. In 2007 it was 270 hectares, today about 500. (Average tonage per hectare is 30 tons for regular greenhouses. In soil less facilities it can be as high as 40 tons to 60 tons.)

Ms Buket says that 5% of the product is exported. "We can add some for the products which are exported after processing such as tomato paste, ketchup, pickles etc."

The main export destinations are EU, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Middle East (Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Bahreyn etc.), Turkic Republics (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kirgizistan, Uzbekistan, Tacikistan, Turkmenistan etc.)

Tuta absoluta entered country in 2009 and in 2010 Turkish growers realized that it was a disaster. "Marketing has been one of the main problems for decades which we normally never mention." There are no other major problems in the Turkish greenhouse sector other than juridical problems.

Ms Buket goes on to say, "Actually Tuta has had an awakening effect on growers in Turkey, as most of them started working together against the pest."

Ms Buket expects that the Turkish green house sector will grow faster and faster. "I can guess that in 10 years both the acreage will double and most of the current facilities will be modernized."

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