Monday, July 26, 2010

Morocco: citrus export risen 485,000 tonnes

Up until the 10th of July Morocco exported 485,000 tonnes of citrus in total, last year in the same period it was 483,000 tonnes, an increase of 0.5 percent

Especially the small fruits (mandarins and clementines) are important for the export, the export of those grew by 10 percent to 322,413 tonnes. Mainly the volume of the clementine has grown, the volumes grew by 13 percent from 180,250 tonnes to 204,000 tonnes. This is shown in the statistics from the export control organisation EACCE. The orange sale however did not go well. The volume dropped by 13 percent to 158,140 tonnes.

Moreover, the tomato showed the biggest drop, 24 percent, to 317,426 tonnes.

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