Wednesday, July 21, 2010

India: Heavy rains affect pineapple production in parts of West Bengal

Heavy rainfall has affected pineapple cultivation in parts of West Bengal.

According to Kajal Ghosh, the President of the Pineapple Merchant Association, production was normal this year but heavy rain fall and overflow of water damaged the pineapple.

Farmers, who were expecting a good crop this year, are now facing losses.

"This year production was good but 20-25 percent of pineapples are rotten and damaged. At the beginning of the season there was no rain. After that, heavy rainfall flooded the orchards," said Nakul Ghosh, a wholesale merchant.

Around 2,500 orchards and sixty wholesale shops are there in the area and nearly 150,000 people are directly or indirectly dependent on the cultivation and sale of pineapple.

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