Tuesday, March 13, 2012

India: Calls for waste water collection for growing produce

Hazardous water is being used for the cultivation of vegetables in various suburbs of Karachi and other cities. This has been known for a long time, but recently the media has started to focus on the matter.

Urban waste water flowing towards the sea can be utilised for useful purposes such as growing of vegetables and other produce.

In Australia, since water is costly, waste water is collected and used for growing vegetables.

It has been suggested that the government of Sindh should install urban waste water plants by segregating textile processing and tanneries' waste water from urban waste water. Currently the waste water is being dumped into the sea where it is environmentally hazardous.

Urban waste water plants should be installed in all districts of Karachi. It should be made sure that the water coming out of these plants does not contain any hazardous pollutants like cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel and arsenic. Then vegetables and fruits produced with this water would be suitable for human consumption.

Checking of waste water effluents and also fresh water being supplied to the urban population is one of the must important activities in all developed countries. Neither the Sindh Environmental Agency has any system to check the parameters of waste water from textile mills and tanneries headed for drains nor does the KWSB have any system for testing of fresh water.

It is suggested that the KWSB should regularly start doing microbiological tests on fresh water for waterborne organisms that could potentially cause diseases.

Source: www.dawn.com

1 comment:

  1. In Such treatments generally involves three stages, called primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. Surface Water Monitoring
