Monday, March 26, 2012

Andalusia wilts under ongoing drought

Persistently dry conditions affecting southern Spain, which is still reeling from frost damage in Februar.

More than 137,000ha of fruit and vegetable production in the Spanish region of Andalusia have reportedly been damaged as a result of frosts in February and ongoing drought affecting much of southern Spain.

According to the regional government of Andalusia, the country's largest production region for fruits and vegetables, low temperatures and frosts that struck between 11-14 February had "negative consequences" for many Spanish growers.

Among the crops damaged were 1,066ha of open air vegetables – including 874ha of lettuce – 10,478ha of citrus production and 2,800ha of other fruits.

Currently, the Andalusian authorities said production was also being threatened by ongoing drought in the region, which is adversely affecting everything from fruits and vegetables to cereal crops and cattle farming. 

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