Monday, March 12, 2012

Austrian buys Serbian raspberry harvest (50,000 tones)!

The Austrian businessman Michael Wally made an 80 million Euro deal though his company CWS Best Food with the association of Servian raspberry producers. They decided on a kilo price of 1.6 Euro for 50,000 tonnes of raspberries, which will be harvested this year, reported Serbian media.

In Serbia 350,000 people are involved in growing raspberries, says Dragisa Terzic, chairman of the producers association. Due to the deal with CWS Best Food another 50,000 extra season workers jobs will be created. For the producers the deal also has the benefit that the price they will get for their raspberries is known before the harvest, which is a first.

Last year raspberry growers from Servia protested against the purchase prices they were offered by cooling houses. The producers wanted one Euro per kilo. The buyers only wanted to pay 60 cents. This has caused the production to decrease by 30% in recent years, says Terzic.

1 comment:

  1. The main goal is to bring the goods of the highest quality to the customer. Serbian raspberries
