Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Zealand melon season comes to a close

The main growing regions are Northland, Hawkes Bay, Gisborne, Bay of Plenty, Waikato, Nelson. The varieties available are Watermelon, Rock melon (also known as the cantaloup), Honey Dew with Seedless Watermelons being trialed and in early development stages. The New Zealand melons are grown mainly for the domestic market but there is also a small export program for Rouge melons from Gisborne into some Asian markets also some trade to the pacific islands for the other varieties.

Volumes have been significantly down on the previous season due to an exceptionally cold October / November and the drought in Northland and heavy rain in the Gisborne / Hawkes Bay regions in February. Volumes are down at least 25% due to these conditions and these conditions have also effected the quality of the fruit reducing the marketable volumes available

Imports have effected the New Zealand growers this season with Supermarkets switching back to imported product due to the inconsistent availability and quality of NZ fruit in later quarter of the season. They now have good quality watermelons (Seedless & Seeded) available, but both key chains have made commitments to imported fruit from Australia.

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