Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chilean kiwifruit sector meets targets

Raising standards, funding market research and coordinating international promotions are top of the industry's agenda

The Chilean Kiwifruit Committee is well on its way to achieving the initial objective of boosting the image of the country's kiwifruit on the global market by improving fruit quality and consistency.

"The Ripeness Assurance Program (PAM) has already been implemented and is now in its second season," said chairman Ricardo González in a press release.

"Production manuals have been developed, and a global research project has been fielded. Input from this study will help guide the Committee's future activities. Combined, this is having a powerful effect on bringing together all those involved in the kiwifruit industry."

The organisation was established last year with the assistance and support of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, the Chilean Exporters Association (Asoex) and the Chilean Fruit Growers' Federation (Fedefruta).

According to Mr González, the key objective is to raise Chile's competitiveness in destination kiwifruit markets. "We are working very hard to strive for a more reliable and consistent product, in order to ensure a more satisfying experience for consumers," he added.

To that end, the Committee is focusing on raising pre- and post-harvest standards, funding market potential research and securing funding for aggressive market development promotions in selected high-opportunity international markets.

"The need for unified action in the kiwifruit sector has long been recognised and it's a tribute to growers in Chile that they have achieved such a strong collective agreement to move forward and achieve mutually agreed objectives," said Asoex chairman Ronald Bown.

"The kiwifruit industry has consistently grown throughout the past years, thus a call for action from the major growers and exporters will help to improve quality standards and the perception of Chilean kiwifruit in foreign markets," added Rodrigo Echeverría, chairman of Fedefruta.

The Chilean Kiwifruit Committee currently represents more than 85 per cent of national exports.

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