Monday, April 18, 2011

NZ kiwifruit from Zespri arriving to Europe

Zespri Europe confirms 6 May as first new-season consignment's expected arrival date in the Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium

Kiwifruit picking and packing in New Zealand is in full swing, with marketer Zespri confirming that the first vessel carrying fruit for Europe has already left the port of Tauranga and is expected to arrive in the Belgian port of Zeebrugge around 6 May.

The volume of fruit anticipated during the 2011 season will be similar to last year's, with around 100m trays of kiwifruit set to be exported from the country.

Growing conditions have been described as "fantastic", with more rainfall and higher temperatures on average compared with last season.

"We are expecting a great crop as a result," said the group's European marketing manager Jean-Louis Warnimont.

Zespri's supply chain general manager, Sally Gardiner, confirmed the anticipation was building as the season got underway.

"With the start of the season there is always a real buzz in the industry as the hard work done through the growing season starts to deliver, as all those working in the industry prepare themselves for the very busy months ahead and the anticipation builds in our offshore markets for the arrival of new season fruit," she explained.

"We are confident that there will again be strong demand for Zespri's premium kiwifruit in overseas markets despite ongoing global economic uncertainty and the still-to-be determined impact on demand in our key market of Japan from the devastating earthquakes and subsequent tsunami."

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