Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Egypt: Belco expects good quality grapes this season

Belco one of Egypt's leading fresh fruit and vegetable exporters is preparing for their forthcoming grape season. Harvesting is due to begin in the second week of May with the Early Sweet variety.

Amr El Beltagy, product manager at Belco says that the quality is satisfactory and ruling out any surprises it will be better than last season.

Mr El Beltagy explains that Egypt had the warmest winter he has ever experienced, "actually I can say that we almost had no winter". This warm weather had a positive affect on quality, naturally thinning the bunches hence producing bigger sized, uniform berries. Giving great looking bunches.

Belco has broadened it's export markets in the last few years. They mainly supplied the Netherlands and the UK markets, but now also export to Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Russia and the Ukraine

The company is also expanding it's product range. They have started to produce chillies, tomato, rough cucumber, Chinese cabbage and are in their second season for strawberries. This is all in addition to the main products of table grapes, spring onions, green beans, snow peas and Capsicums which are all increasing Belco's annual volume.

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